From show reviews, news snark, and things we wanted to say but had no time to do

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


"100 Days and Trillions of dollars in Debt later...WHERE IS THE CHANGE?"

So, it is the OFFICIAL 100th day of "THE CHOSEN ONE", and tonight he held his big press confrence...with telepromter to help wasnt eventful, and just more glibness with no substance or direction.

What has he done in his first 100 days???
Well he has gotten his 60 votes for a fillabuster proof congress
Passed his 300 trillion dollar budget WITH more pork that would make the CDC panic !

oh and lets NOT forget that tactless and stupid photo op of AF1 skirting new york skyscrapers AND NOT TELLING THE MAYOR OF NYC THAT IT WAS A PHOTO OP !!!!!

All that and STILL more holes in his cabnet that he has to fill!!!

100 days ...and STILL we havent seen one bit of aid, help or relief from the fact that our country is going down the toilet and our elected plumber cant seem to fix the leaks!

Meanwhile, remember when Obama said "we arent going to allow the auto industry to go bankrupt"..guess what ..CHRYSLER HAS GONE BANKRUPT..under YOUR watch! and look for Jeep to be the first to have its plug pulled.

As for his presser, did you notice that just because FOX TV didnt air it , Major Garrett of Fox News wasnt called upon, but I did love the mafia type threat his staff gave "no network coverage, then you dont get called on",oh by the way ..Obamas presser bombed in the ratings!..speaking of crap , thats what "didy wearing,tax dodging bathtub boy" ratings have been. when will MSNFU wise up.

And here is another example of his ineptness: I quote form his presser "I was struck by an article that I was reading the other day talking about the fact that the British during World War II, when London was being bombed to smithereens, had 200 or so detainees. And Churchill said, 'We don't torture,' when the entire British--all of the British people--were being subjected to unimaginable risk and threat....the reason was that Churchill understood -- you start taking shortcuts, over time, that corrodes what's best in a people. It corrodes the character of a country."

Sorry Obama, but Churchill said no such thing about prisoners of war, enemy combatants or terrorists, who were in fact tortured by British interrogators during World War II. the quote comes from a London Times article in 2006, it came from Robin Stephens the commander of the British interrogation centre. Robin Stephens said 'Never strike a man, it is unintelligent, the spy will give an answer to please, an answer to escape punishment'.

Now Britian does have a VERY tough as nails group of special forces called the SAS whose torture techniques would make those by GWB look like a pillow Fight!

Not only does Obama need a teleprompter .....but also some fact checkers !

Sorry Obama, but now the gloves are off,and the world is laughing at you !