From show reviews, news snark, and things we wanted to say but had no time to do

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Just came back from the grandest of all events in the country, yep I double dipped a couple of Tea Parties here in Michigan, here in Jackson and in Lansing as well as Ann Arbor, and it was a blast to meet some fellow americans who are sick and tired of the lies and two facenesses of not only congress but also the man who runs the country.
I enjoyed the vast speeches and entertainment, the local news media and FOX as well as CSPAN covered this and other Tea Parties while as expected those who kissed "America's Hugo Chavez" ass took to venomizing the event, some (gee wonder who ) took to bashing ANY media outlet who dare covered the protest.

As for me, I am now a victim of the economy, as my insurance and financial company decided to "readjust" my borrowing from $5,000 to now $1,000
and that has hurt me to the point where I may have to try for a job out of the country.

and a special note to Keith Olberman who is the biggest tax cheat since well Obama's Tresury Secretary..Wipe that white ring off your lips from your own hypocritical "teabagging".

The fact of the matter is that the tea party WORKS, we the people are sick and damn tired of the BS from our government and again taxing us out of our jobs and homes, and this is just the begining..there will be more to come as that HUUUUUUGGGEEE debt of pork and hot air Obamas people shroud over your eyes as "Tax help" is uncovered as the same kind of crap we got from GWB, and the people seen the light and have had enough!

we arent bashing Obama with these protests as some say ...we are just tired of being Taxed and bullied by someone who has put us into a debt of over TRILLIONS of dollars, we've had enough and its time you hear us !