From show reviews, news snark, and things we wanted to say but had no time to do

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

By Steve Baxley
(As Told to Pita Ojeda as they enjoyed a night on the town)

Well here we go..another fun filled fiesta to start the week right.


->Today was a day for memories, as Celia Cruz was remembered at St. Patricks Cathedral in NYC., teh public came in droves, as also some very faous folks to pay their respects to this entertainer.
Tonight, heaven is dancing a different dance as Tito and Celia perform in heavens paladium!

->Wow, what a weekend I had..Started at WLAJ Studios for the final AWWL TV Taping as they take a summer break and return in September, got to see some very excellent wrestling FOR FREE!! taping started at 11am and ended at 4:30 full freaking house as always for these tapings, The AWWL was just full of surprizes including KEVIN SULLIVAN and his XWA wrestling group invaded the AWWL...and shocked the world!
Sunday I went to the Jackson match super time and I enjoyed all of it, got plenty of autographs on my COMEDY WORLD shirt.

->Well, my cousin Darrell is in hospital, I hope he will be ok..

->meanwhile, death goes on ..more US casualties in the "War that is over" but the big news, we took out the snake and the rat , but now ...lets get rid of the jackal! then lets remember we have unfinished biz in Afghanistan,and possibly help in liberia..if THATS not enough, there IS still North Korea. 2004 is going to be fun!

->The sunday free press/news had an article of people who are dissatisfied with America now going for a better life ..IN CANADA!!!...must be something to find out about, AND I WILL!!!

->The radio career still in silence, but after some favorable comments from many folks, maybe I should be a writer.
I'll have a decision after my vacation

->Well, seems that my buddy has removed the links to both my site and the very blog you see here,Well, thats ok I guess.. you should see his blog.. and you can at