From show reviews, news snark, and things we wanted to say but had no time to do

Thursday, November 09, 2006

No usual opening,just dont feel like it,

My aunt Debbie died last week,we had a memorial dinner for her on friday, she died of lung cancer that went to her brain.

Two days later,my uncle Harold passed away, from what, no one knows there is no autopsy taking place, there will be a memorial service and dinner,but I will not attend.
I also got hit with something that really hurts,my mother has a mass on her thyroid on her neck,they dont know if its cancerous or not,they are doing some tests and will let my mom and I know.

And then...theres me,

Please for god sakes, get a cancer screening ,and a checkup NOW, and if you smoke, STOP IT! GOD DAMNIT STOP IT!!!