From show reviews, news snark, and things we wanted to say but had no time to do

Monday, October 10, 2005

By Steve Baxley
A Pita Ojeda Production

August 29: Hurricane Katrina distroys the gulf coast
September 23:Hurricane Rita hits Port Arthur TX, and SW Louisana area
October 4:Hurricane Stan hits Guatamala and Tapachula,Chiapas MX
October 9:Devistating Earthquake hits Kashmir,Pakistan
Not to mention the sunami in asia
and lets not forget the ongoing mess in Iraq
and the forgotten one in afghanistan

Right now we are looking at a dollar amount nearing $500 BILLION if not even $700 BILLION, thats not including the already thining armed forces being stetched to the limit and then some, a rising unemployment rate,too many businesses going under, gas prices going up so much even airlines are going under.

Too many bodies,too many cries for help, what is going on here, is this the true "end of the world"
Can anyone answer just what is next ???